MR 180

(Ring Needle Oil for Textile Machine)


MR-180 is Ring Needle Oil for Textile Machine. As MR-180 is composed of highly refined base oil and selected additives, it has good water washability and prevents wearing, oxidation, rusting the equipment and improves oiliness. The outstanding lubricity between fibre and metal decreases the friction between needle and fibre and also fibre and guide.


  • Warping and Knitting Machine.
  • Wet Knitting Machine
  • Hosiery Machine

Special Characteristics

  • Good compatibility with oiling agent for warping and weaving and water washability. It causes no problems like dye staining on the fibre.
  • Good thermal stability.
  • Anti-wearing property.
  • Rust prevention on a machine equipment especially during the long time standstill.
  • Provides long tool life.

Product Characteristics

Properties Units Value
Appearance Visual White Brownish sparenTrant Liquid
Viscosity @ 40 oC cSt 22
PH Value 25% Emulsion 8.5
Colors ASTM 0.511
Emulsion Appearance 25% Emulsion Milky
Emulsion Stability 25% aq. Sol'n Pass
Specific Gravity g/ml 0.8744
Solubility - Easily soluble in water
Ionic Type - Anion